CNMC 2010 Day 1

by admin on August 10, 2010

It is now Tuesday and I have fully recovered from my weekend adventure. As I’ve writing about lately in my countdown, I attended the 3rd Annual Catholic New Media Celebration in Boston this weekend. For those who have followed this blog for at least the last year, you are aware that I went last year when it was in San Antonio and had a fantastic time. I took quite a bit of time to write very detailed posts with blow-by-blow recaps of each day of the trip. They took so much work to write them and I got a lot of it. If you wish to read about last year, check the archives from June 2009 (Adventure Day 1-4). This time, I think I will again do multiple posts and we’ll see how it goes.

Thursday morning was a very busy one. I went to mass three mornings Tuesday through Thursday and on Thursday I went to a very early one. I had intention to go to Confession, but the priest disappeared and I was too chicken to go ask in the sacristy. I prayed for all those traveling, especially my friend Inge. I checked Twitter to see how Inge was doing on getting on a plane (her story is worth hearing and reading for sure) and was delighted to see that she was finally on her way after being camped out in the airport for two days.

When I got home, I turned on my computer because it was Thursday which is the day Cliff does his live shows for GSPN. I watched Social Media Serenity, which featured a story that I sent Cliff and Erik via Twitter (I get a shout-out at the very end of the episode). Right after that I started packing while listening to the next live show, Family From the Heart
, and checked into the chat room once in a while while I was busy in the other room. I was completely packed by the end of the show (I’m extremely efficient). After that I worked on cleaning up remaining dishes and took the garbage out after lunch. I took out all the recycling that was piling up in the kitchen as well.

I happily obtained CNMC-attendee podcast zero on Wednesday (well, ONE because Nick posted the newest In Between Sundays podcast on Thursday and I listened to it on the plane) which was a huge accomplishment because I had 68 when I started (and new ones kept downloading daily!). My Twitter followers got the daily countdown to zero which took about a week and Carlos got there several days before me.

My flight for Boston was scheduled to leave Milwaukee at 4:30 on Thursday. I decided to wear jeans after input from my online friends (I’m always cold was the selling point). My Dad was able to pick me up for the airport and was ready to get me at 1:30 (way too early for my taste). Once I got to the airport, I got checked in and did not check my bag (I lost my luggage returning from CA in 2002 and will never check bags again). I (and the chocolate creme Oreos intended for Sarah Reinhard) made it through security with no problem. I arrived at my gate with so much time to spare. At the security line I noticed that my flight would now be leaving at 5:10. Odd. After I sent that out, Zina informed me that there were storms in Boston which was probably the cause. I amused myself with Twitter, podcasts and crossword puzzles. I got some SunChips (they are so good!) to tide myself over and eventually it was time to board. Unfortunately it was a very slow boarding and I was at the end of the line. They ran out overhead bin space and the end of the line passengers had to gate check their bags. I had to accept this, but I was nervous about it. We finally left the gate at 5:30, making our arrival an hour later than expected. The best part of taking Midwest is the cookies. Note that Maria’s book is in the background:

We arrived at Logan airport in Boston around 8:40 p.m. After getting off, I headed to baggage claim and eventually my bag came through. Around 9:00 I called the phone number that I thought was Zina’s, but it wasn’t the correct one. I then called Maria to find out if anyone was actually at the restaurant and how I could get there. She told me that lots of people were delayed. It was already so late that I decided I would skip the dinner. She asked if I was at the hotel and said no and she gave me Zina’s number so I could get in touch with her. I then called Zina on the correct number and Jeff came to get me. Around 10:00 I finally made it to their condo in Cambridge. She was still up with baby Myra and after a hug she showed me to the boys’ room where I would be staying.

Inge was also there (who had finally arrived after major delays and a diversion to Hartford) and she filled me in on her travel adventures. I fast became friends with their dog Sully and he ended being my room buddy most of the weekend.

They made me and Inge feel welcome with messages on our door. Here was mine:

There was also this message on the whiteboard in the room:

Since I was still on Central time, I was wide awake and stayed up with Zina for a few hours. Inge was up for a bit, but soon was too exhausted and headed to bed in the room next to mine. Zina gave me some leftover pizza to eat from their dinner (delicious!) and we talked for a while. It was great to be able to bond that way. We talked about things going on in our lives and plans for the weekend (to make sure I could get where I needed to be at various times). Eventually they were ready for bed and I headed to mine as well. It was a long day, but a good one.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Deacon Tom August 10, 2010 at 8:53 pm

Nice to travel and have friends to share their hospitality and welcome. Blessings.


Deacon Tom August 10, 2010 at 8:53 pm

Nice to travel and have friends to share their hospitality and welcome. Blessings.


mary August 10, 2010 at 9:45 pm

You know its always nice to know you have friends around to help when things go well and then things go better. Can’t wait for the next up date.


mary August 10, 2010 at 9:45 pm

You know its always nice to know you have friends around to help when things go well and then things go better. Can’t wait for the next up date.


Zina August 10, 2010 at 11:56 pm

Haha! I got distracted while writing that last message… Can you tell?

I should end all my messages mid sentences it could be my


Zina August 10, 2010 at 11:56 pm

Haha! I got distracted while writing that last message… Can you tell?

I should end all my messages mid sentences it could be my


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