Number 1

by admin on August 4, 2010

Dear Readers, I thank you and I bless you for hanging with me for the past 10 days on this countdown. Looking at the stats (that I have unhealthy obsession with, but that’s another story) I see that people are reading these and that’s fantastic. Thank you also for the few comments I’ve received (and would always welcome more). Tomorrow I leave for Boston and I couldn’t be more excited. Yesterday I wrote about how amazing Twitter is and the friends I have on there, and last night I finalized some plans for what will happen when I get in tomorrow night. I also had another friend contact me about a possible future project together that is under consideration. If anything comes of it (i.e. committing to do it) I will certainly write about it here. So today, I’m again thankful for Twitter. I’m also thankful for FB because I was able to get in contact with another friend who comes in tomorrow to invite her to join us tomorrow night, which is great.

Now, on with the show because I’m sure you are giddy with anticipation for number 1 – right!? 😉

1. Because of the amazing generosity of my friend Zina

Zina is an amazing person. I wrote her a FB message months and months ago indicating that I would love to attend the CNMC this summer, but at the time my financial situation was not good (and still isn’t great). I simply asked if there would be any possibility that I could stay with her family during the weekend and she didn’t hesitate to say yes. If that hadn’t had happened, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be going. I don’t have the money currently to afford to stay in a hotel, so I am so thankful. I’m also thankful for the tax refund money that allowed me to purchase my plane tickets that were very affordable.

I’m also thankful that Mama Zina gave me the okay to meet her later than expected tomorrow. I know I’ll be hungry by the time I get there and thankful to be meeting the group at a restaurant near the hotel. Hopefully there’s someone there that can assist me in getting to her house, or I’ll be calling her for assistance in figuring out how to get there by public transport. Anyway, I’m thankful for Zina, her husband Jeff and her kids and the ability to stay with them this weekend. She and I (and her adorable baby daughter Myra) will be taking in the Harvard tour on Friday, which should be lots of fun. One more day until we’re reunited – can’t wait! See you soon, girlfriend! 🙂

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

iageode August 5, 2010 at 3:49 am

Have a great time on your trip. I will look forward to reading about it. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog this summer. You probably have more readers than you know, because when I read it on my Google Reader, I don’t think it shows as a hit. I am BarbaraDay on Twitter.


iageode August 5, 2010 at 3:49 am

Have a great time on your trip. I will look forward to reading about it. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog this summer. You probably have more readers than you know, because when I read it on my Google Reader, I don’t think it shows as a hit. I am BarbaraDay on Twitter.


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