So Much Drama!

June 29, 2009

Wow it has been a really been a rough couple of days.  It all started last night at around 6:45 when my phone started flashing, which could have meant a few different things.  I checked it and it was reminder for my re-audition for chorus, which I completely forgotten about.  I quickly put my dinner […]

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CNMC 2009 Day 1

June 26, 2009

The first day of my adventure is drawing to a close and it was a great one! I gave myself a good amount of time in the morning to make sure I would have enough time to get myself ready and do a few things around the house before leaving. At 8:30ish I decided to […]

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Thank You, Andreas!

June 15, 2009

Andreas Delfs is a wonderful conductor.  I have had the honor and privilege to sing with him as a member of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Chorus for eight seasons and today we said good-bye to him as our music director.  He has been with the MSO for twelve years and is moving on to bigger […]

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November 24, 2008

Well, this was NOT the way I wanted to start my week! Today I had a horrible morning, but I’m feeling better now. Today we had our first major snowfall of the year, which means the roads were terrible. I had to go to Kenosha for the train, so I was cautious in driving on […]

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Too Much Rain!

June 15, 2008

Okay, I’m all for spring and summer weather, but this is getting ridiculous. In the past two weeks at camp, we’ve had two secret parties (for tornado warnings), had rain practically every day, were woken up at 1:15 a.m. to move to the lodge because of a storm, and lost power (and consequently water) for […]

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