Life Reflected in Music

by admin on July 11, 2011

Music speaks to me in many ways. The lyrics are the component that “sells” a song to an audience. A songwriter puts their heart and soul into the lyrics and what flows out can touch people in many different ways. The CD currently playing on repeat in my car is Matthew West‘s The Story of Your Life. West took a very different path to create this album. He asked fans to send in stories from their own experiences and wrote the songs based on those stories. They are powerful testimonials to how music can tell a story very powerfully. As I have shared with a few people, I am struggling in many ways right now. My parents are going through a divorce and I have so much emotion wrapped up in that. It has led to me discovering how one of my parents’ behavior has negatively affected me not just now but for years and through spiritual direction and counseling I’ve only started to be healed from that pain.

Each of the songs on this album has a story, but three of them particularly resonate with me and my story. The one I relate to the most is Family Tree. The lyrics speak of leaving a legacy different than the one you inherited because God has bigger dreams and love for you than you can imagine. The full lyrics can be found here.

[vimeo w=400&h=225]

Family Tree by Matthew West (The Story Behind The Song) from emicmg on Vimeo.

Another song that speaks to me is Broken Girl. I have suffered from verbal abuse and before I started my journey towards healing, I was broken. Lyrics can be found here.

[vimeo w=400&h=225]

Broken Girl by Matthew West (The Story Behind The Song) from emicmg on Vimeo.

Finally, after years of being stifled and not being able to see my true beauty my freedom has started to come. My healing process has begun, but I have a long road to travel to get to the light. The last song to share is The Healing Has Begun. The title speaks for itself. The lyrics can be found here.

[vimeo w=400&h=225]

The Healing Has Begun by Matthew West (The Story Behind The Song) from emicmg on Vimeo.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Ruben Nunez November 10, 2011 at 1:51 am

These are really cool. I especially like “Healing Has Begun” Thank you for sharing them.


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