I Love Getting Things From People Who Are Craftier Than I…

by admin on December 20, 2009

One of my church cantors is currently down for the count. See had knee replacement surgery last month and hoped to be able to sing with choir for Christmas, but has been having lots of pain. She’ll be out for a while and could take all the positive thoughts and prayers she can get. Please remember Marcia if you feel so inclined. Friday in my office, the secretary brought up a gift bag to me. It seems Marcia’s husband dropped off a gift from her. She gives me a gift every year, but this year she blew me away. There was a beautiful bell ornament and a hand-knitted scarf! I squealed with delight and immediately took a photo with my phone to tweet out (that means it’s awesome!).

Here are a few shots of the scarf:
(I one I tweeted out)

(The one I took later and attached to the thank you note)

I really hope that Marcia can one day teach me to knit. It’s a skill I’ve always wanted to learn. 🙂

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